Citizen Policing

By Shirmel Hayden According to the California Innocence Project, the definition of police misconduct encompasses illegal, unethical actions or the violation of individual constitutional rights by police officers in the conduct of their duties. Examples of misconduct include dishonesty, fraud, coercion, torture to force confessions and abuse of authority. Over the past few months, and… Read More Citizen Policing

What Makes a Successful Nonprofit Organization?

By Shirmel Hayden I don’t know-how many recipes there are for a successful nonprofit organization, but I am sure there are plenty. Working in the nonprofit sector, I have seen organizations raise millions of dollars and have also seen them slowly lose those millions in funding support for many reasons which I cannot say are… Read More What Makes a Successful Nonprofit Organization?

The Decision Making of Public Administrators: Professional Responsibility or Personal Values

By Shirmel Hayden In light of the recent events that happened in Ferguson, Missouri and have happened all over the world, I thought about the role of public administrators. I thought about a public administrator’s decision-making, specifically how public administrators respond to professional responsibilities. Do personal values interfere with decision-making and responsibilities? More importantly, what… Read More The Decision Making of Public Administrators: Professional Responsibility or Personal Values

Does The New ‘IPO’ Help Or Hurt Nonprofit Organizations?

By Shirmel Hayden Seems as though the letters ‘IPO’ have hit the nonprofit sector. Although, it does not have its roots in the stock market, an IPO in the nonprofit sector stands for ‘Immediate Public Opportunity.’ This new innovative fundraising strategy conceived by Andy Posner, Executive Director of Capital Good Fund has created a model… Read More Does The New ‘IPO’ Help Or Hurt Nonprofit Organizations?